Job Corps Alumni Connect

Stay connected to
where it all began.

Since 1964, more than 3 million people have graduated from Job Corps and are now pursuing brighter futures. But the Job Corps experience doesn't end once you leave campus—it's only just beginning.

Job Corps Alumni Connect is a national network for Job Corps graduates to stay connected with each other and the program.

As an Alumni Connect member, you can:

Share your story and experience at Job Corps to inspire others.


the latest events and happenings of Job Corps.


Access a nationwide network of alumni from across the country.


with the friends and mentors you met at Job Corps.

Connect with your community.

Join the Alumni Connect Facebook group to be connected to thousands of other alumni, so you can expand your network and share your Job Corps stories of success with the people who will understand them the most.

Pride that transcends generations.

WNBA player Nakia Sanford is the proud daughter of a Job Corps graduate. Hear how her mother's experience at Job Corps influenced Nakia's basketball career.

WNBA player Nakia Sanford is the proud daughter of a Job Corps graduate. Hear how her mother's experience at Job Corps influenced Nakia's basketball career.

Your story matters.

As a Job Corps alum, you’re a walking testament to the success that can be achieved through Job Corps. Your story is a powerful source of inspiration for Job Corps students everywhere. Are you a graduate who exemplifies what it means to be a Job Corps alum? It’s time to tell your story.